Anal Exploration

Oscar Wilde once said, “Everything in the world is about sex, except sex. Sex is about power.”

I’ll preface this by stating that these are my personal thoughts on a kink subject and not indicative of anyone else’s experience but mine. There are discussions in here about manhood, masculinity, and traditional roles that some may not like or agree with. These are all personal reflections, so it’s important to communicate with your sex partners and understand what satisfies them. Good play starts with good communication—dominants have needs, submissives have needs.

When it comes to actual penetrative sex, I could honestly take it or leave it. Yes, anal is enjoyable, but so is a nice handjob, an afternoon on a milker, or even just being tied up and ignored while others have their fun.

For me, penetration is about power. I don’t derive specific pleasure from being penetrated. To clarify, I don’t think I enjoy it for the same reasons others might. Being penetrated is an inherently submissive act for me. Allowing another man to use my body for his pleasure, in a way that is degrading, humiliating, sometimes painful or uncomfortable, is what being penetrated is about for me. It involves sacrificing my comfort, dignity, and a small piece of my manhood for the pleasure of the dominant.

Let me paint a scene of my ideal experience. I’m restrained, exposing my vulnerable ass. Perhaps hooded or, even better, positioned in front of a mirror so I can watch what is happening. The dominant approaches from behind, leaning over to explain how he’s going to use me and fuck me hard and rough with nothing I can do to stop it. The more verbal and graphic, the better. When the actual penetration begins, the first thrust is done without a warm-up, with just enough lube to avoid damaging me while providing some comfort for the top. Being penetrated is not about my comfort or pleasure; it’s about serving the top and surrendering to him. Allowing him to use me selfishly in a way that no Alpha/Dom/Sir/Master or man in an equal relationship would permit. This act is inherently unequal—I don’t matter. The only thing that matters is the top using my body to pleasure himself (This is also a huge motivation in my masochism and being fucked like this is likely an extension of it.) The experience would be rough, involving slapping and more verbal abuse, reminding me that I’m taking it because I’m considered inferior; my pleasure doesn’t matter. The goal for the top should be to force me into subspace; mentally and physically making it clear I’m there for him and should be focused on him not my feelings or pain, making me a vessel for his pleasure.

Of course, I keep saying it’s not about me, and then I describe exactly what I want and expect. What can I say? I want it to be not about me in the exact ways I want it to not be about me. Yes, I acknowledge the hypocrisy. It’s my fantasy situation, so if you don’t like it, feel free to search for something else on Google to cleanse your mind from the evil thoughts of gimps having preferences and desires. Maybe I’ll delve into the idea of a gimp being treated as subhuman and inferior without becoming subhuman and inferior or ending up mentally damaged in a future post. After all, Gimps are people too!

Just a side note that didn’t really work into to the larger text:

It’s also somewhat taboo to be the one being penetrated as a man. In some cultures, homosexuality is accepted as long as you’re the dominant partner, while bottoms are seen as weak and immoral. Many of my kinks are rooted in their taboo nature. The fact that society deems something as wrong, gross, or inappropriate only intensifies my desire to engage in it. It’s my way of rebelling against the status quo.

Okay, gimp is putting its metaphorical gag back in. Until next time; stay kinky friends…

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